Ramblings from the Desert

The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. ~Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Well-Adjusted Vampire

The Music of Chaos, Urban Fantasy Novel

Coming at the end of October...The Music of Chaos, my urban fantasy novel, from Decadent Publishing. With all the usual urban fantasy elements--ass-kicking heroine, magic, snappy dialogue, and cheese enchiladas--and absolutely no whiny, schmopey, mopey vampires.

My vampires like being vampires. No "Woe is me, I'm a beautiful immortal with superpowers on an all-liquid diet. I haaate myself" nonsense.
My eyebrows crawled upward. "You realize you just made a movie reference. I am rubbing off on you."

"Yeah. Like ringworm."

~Regan O'Connell and Breas Montrose, vampire, having a warm fuzzy moment.

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